6 Ways to Improve Your Skin This School Year, According to a Dermatologist

14/08/2018 - 10:50 PM

If you're heading back to school this Fall, beginning the semester with a new and improved skincare routine might be just what you need to start off on the right foot. Unsure of where to start? We asked dermatologist Dr. Debra Jaliman, MD [1], to help us break down exactly what to do to overhaul your regime. From what products to use to what foods you should eat, you'll find everything you need for a healthier complexion to accompany your great grades.

Start Early — and Be Consistent

It takes four to six weeks for the results of a new skincare routine to start showing up on your face. Carefully select products that will work for your skin type, and most importantly, keep using them. "Consistency is the key in order to achieve improvement in your skin," Dr. Jaliman said.

Mind Your Diet

"A good skincare routine should be used in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet rich in leafy greens, low in sugar, and low in processed foods," Dr. Jaliman said. Check out our full guide for more foods that help improve your skin [2].

Take It All Off

No matter how many college parties you're going to, always remember to take off your makeup before bed. For best results, wash your face with a gentle cleanser like Babor Cleansing CP Mild Cleanser [3] ($32). This will help prevent dirt and makeup from clogging your pores.

Put On a Mask

If you're experiencing acne, try a clay mask like the Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment [4] ($59) once a week to clear your skin and keep breakouts at bay. Don't overdo it, though — using one more than once or twice a week can dry out your skin.

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