"Cold Brew" Hair Is The Buzzy Colour Trend You Need to Know This Autumn

19/08/2018 - 10:35 AM

During your next colour appointment, don't forget to ask salon for a shot of cold brew. . . for your hair. (Yep, you read that right.) The warm, coffee-inspired colour is all over social media right now, and it's actually the perfect shade for Autumn.

NYC-based hair colourist Kimberly Bonondona [1] first posted the hue to Instagram, where fans quickly dubbed the shade "cold brew." The swirls of mahogany do, indeed, resemble a tall cup of iced coffee when applied on dark brown hair. So go ahead, pour yourself a glass of the new Fall colour trend ahead, and don't forget to screenshot the looks so you can show your barista hairstylist.

Cold Brew Hair

Cold Brew Hair

Cold Brew Hair

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