How to Wash Your Face Properly

02/01/2019 - 02:34 PM

So many of us have got into the routine of absentmindedly washing our faces each morning and night, but are we really taking into consideration a few tiny tricks that can make all the difference in a more effective wash? As any beauty therapist will say, one major component of a deep and effective cleanse is including some type of massage. It's important to stimulate your lymph system to get much-needed oxygen and blood circulating in your face. Also, be sure that you are using the correct cleanser for your skin type, and try to avoid bar soaps at all costs — they can really dry out your skin.

The goal of face washing is to unclog pores and to dissolve dirt and makeup and to remove excess oils. You may not realise that this is also a great opportunity to slough off dead skin cells by exfoliating.

Lastly, have you considered the route you take? Start washing your face at your forehead, and work your way to your nose, then outward to your cheeks and eventually down to your face and neck. A proper face wash is a really simple way to maintain the health of your skin.

Find out an easy four-step process with tips on how to wash your face:

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