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Preventative Botox Pros and Cons

Can You Ever Be Too Young For Preventative Botox? The Answer May Surprise You

Preventative Botox Pros and Cons
Image Source: Getty

Because you're not a mannequin or Pharrell Williams, your face changes as it ages — that's basic anatomy. How you choose to navigate the unchartered realm of nasolabial wrinkles and crow's feet, however, is entirely up to you. Whether you embrace them, treat them, or take preventative measures to avoid them, that's your prerogative so long as your happy (happy, happy, happy. . .).

"There's this desire to look 'perfect' in selfies."

As for anyone who falls in the latter camp of things, the age when young people are addressing fine lines that have yet to appear is declining considerably — especially for one particular treatment: Botox, the injectable neurotoxin that temporarily paralyses facial muscles.

"We are now seeing younger people — as early as in their mid-twenties — seeking out Botox," dermatologist Latanya Benjamin, MD, told POPSUGAR. There's this desire to look 'perfect' in selfies. In our practice, we've seen patients as young as 18."

The question, then, becomes: is that safe? And, if not, what the hell is?

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