42 Shaved Hairstyles So Sexy You'll Be Reaching For the Razor Yourself

21/12/2018 - 12:00 PM

Maybe you started with a bob [1] or a superglam crop [2]? You're desperate for a change, and going short isn't going to cut it. It's time to reach for the razor [3]. Of course you know a shaved head can look tough and edgy, but it can also be sweet and soft and superpretty. Did we also mention it's completely low maintenance? If you're more of a wash 'n' go girl, or you're pressing snooze for half an hour before you can tear yourself from your duvet (just us?), then this is the look for you. And if your eyebrows are on point, boy oh boy, are they ever going to stand out. Too scared to put it all out there? Then you need a supersexy undercut — it's the perfect balance between long and short, and you can decide what you want to be on any given day of the week. Take a look through our gallery of buzz cuts, hidden undercuts, and shaved hairstyles. We think this might tempt even those of you with long hair to go supershort.

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