This Tool Eliminated My Need For Dry Shampoo, and It's Only £8

28/10/2019 - 06:10 PM

Is there anything worse than washing and drying your hair, only to realise you either didn't use enough shampoo and it's still greasy, or you actually used too much and didn't wash all of it out? OK, there probably are many things that are worse, but this comes pretty high up on the list. As I have quite long hair, this is something that would happen to me all too often, until I found a product that made it a thing of the past. You know, one of those "where has this been my entire life" products. The simple but ingenious product in question? Tropic Skincare's Scalp Massager [1] (£8).

Introduced as an addition to Tropic's first hair care range [2] (which includes a clarifying hair wash, hair cleanser, deep conditioning treatment, and hair smooth oil), the massager brush is made of silicone-type bristles that are sturdy enough to properly clean the hair, while also being gentle on the scalp. Due to the fact that Tropic's ingredients are vegan and made without silicones and sulphates [3], the nourishing hair cleanser doesn't foam, which can be a little strange if you aren't used to it — and that's where the massager comes in. Because of its bristles, it will do all the hard work for you while also stimulating circulation, which helps promote hair growth.

After having used the hair cleanser with massager [5] (£23) followed by the conditioner [6] (£18), I was shocked at how clean and soft my hair felt, playing true to Tropic's mission to not compromise on quality while following its cruelty-free and vegan ethos. And as if I needed any more reasons to love it, it even ended up eliminating my need for dry shampoo, while also helping my manicure to stay in tact for longer. Win win.

So, whether you're looking to increase scalp circulation, achieve that salon-worthy clean hair every time (without harsh chemicals!), or just add a little massage into your wash routine, trust me — you won't regret adding this tool into your hair care routine.

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