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Inkey List Best Acne Product, Editor Reviews
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Zap. Squeeze. Pinch. We've spent so much time being harsh to our skin, but the acne-positive movement has taught us it doesn't have to be that way. Yes, experiencing acne — from the occasional blemish to chronic severe breakouts — is not fun, but crystal-clear skin is an impossible standard we were never meant to meet. But how can we feel in control on the days we're inevitably bombarded with hopelessness over a spot? We don't have all the answers — yet — but we do know one thing that helps: a routine.

We're all on our own acne journeys — no two paths look identical. So, when it comes to experimenting with new ingredients, we tend to gravitate towards different products that work for us. In the spirit of maintaining routines that make acne bearable, we tried some of the most talked about products on the market right now from The INKEY List. Dealing with a breakout can get expensive, but the formulas we swear by clock in under £11; plus, they feature ingredients that are known for targeting some of our biggest acne concerns, including an oily T-zone or the scarring that often comes after a breakout heals. Ahead, our honest opinions about the acne-friendly products we're loving right now from The INKEY List.