Like a True Friend, Jessica Alba Teaches Joseph Gordon-Levitt the Basics of Skin Care

While it's no secret Jessica Alba [1] has gorgeous, radiant skin, I have to say I never thought I'd get such a close look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt's skin care habits. In a new video on her YouTube channel, Alba walked a pretty clueless Gordon-Levitt — who knew they were friends?! — through a quick skin care routine, and the results are hilarious.

The Project Power actor [2], who co-starred in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For with Alba, attentively followed her lead and sniffed the different scents as she instructed him to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturise, and mask using Honest Beauty products [3]. In one particularly comical moment, Gordon-Levitt used a creamy gel cleanser to wash his face and as he started to scrub a little too aggressively, the Honest Beauty founder looked slightly horrified, quickly advising him to tone down the intensity. "You're being very rough with your face," she said with a laugh. "Oh, was that too hard?," a confused Gordon-Levitt responded.

Though he might not know much about skin care, the actor's glow certainly indicates otherwise as I could not look away from his flawless complexion that rivals Alba's. Watch Alba and Gordon-Levitt discuss skin care, the joys of parenting, and Gordon-Levitt's latest projects, all while applying different oils and masks, in the video above.

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