This Is the Best Moisturiser, According to My Picky, Acne-Prone Skin

18/01/2024 - 09:40 PM

Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser Editor Review

When it comes to my skin-care routine, I'm a minimalist through and through. When I first got into beauty, I was all about having a multi-step routine. Initially, I thought the more products [1], the better. After plenty of trial and error (and lots of pimples and rashes), I learned I was very wrong. These days, I'm all about a streamlined three or four-step process — nothing that takes more than four minutes to complete.

I have dry [2], acne-prone skin, and moisturiser [3] is always one of the toughest products for me to test. I need something thick and hydrating that will get rid of flakey patches, but anything too rich clogs my pores and leaves me with acne or worse, some kind of weird skin issue. For that reason, when I find a moisturiser I like, I stick with it. For, like, years. I honestly despise trying anything new because, frankly, I don't want to f*ck my skin up. That being said, when two of my editor-friends told me about the Matter of Fact Maximalist Age-Defying Rich Moisturiser [4] ($72) and couldn't shut up about how good it was, I decided to try it out for myself.

Ahead, read my full review of the Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser.

About the Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser

What I Like About the Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser

Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser Editor Review

This is the first skin-care product I've ever tested with bakuchiol as a main ingredient, and I was surprised by how much my skin loved it. I've been steering away from topical retinol lately, and not only is bakuchiol considered a great alternative, but it also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Initially I was nervous that my skin would find using this moisturiser every day irritating, but it actually had the opposite effect. My skin has never looked better.

In addition to being dry, my skin is also acne-prone and if it doesn't like a product, it tells me immediately, usually in the form of acne or contact dermatitis [6]. This moisturiser didn't cause any breakouts or other skin concerns, and although it's thick and hydrating, it doesn't leave a greasy residue behind or feel too heavy.

I haven't noticed my hyperpigmentation lightening or my fine lines and wrinkles going away just yet, but I'm honestly happy with the results so far, which is enough to get me to permanently add this product to my routine.

How to Use the Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser

Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser Editor Review

The brand recommends using this moisturiser once or twice a day, in the morning and/or at night. They also say it can be applied before or after serums.

I use this product in the morning and at night. I start by cleansing my skin with a gentle face wash (my current favourite is the Rhode Pineapple Refresh Cleanser [7]), then go in with a vitamin C serum [8], and after that, I follow up with the Maximalist Rich Moisturiser. I use just one pump, which is enough to cover my entire face and neck. After, I finish everything off with SPF.

What to Consider Before Trying the Matter of Fact Maximalist Rich Moisturiser

The name doesn't lie; this is a rich moisturiser, which means it's thick and ultra-hydrating. My skin is extremely dry so this product is perfect for me, but if you have oily skin, I'd suggest testing out a sample before committing to the full-sized product since at $72, it is on the pricey side. This moisturiser leaves my skin looking glowy, but if you're already dealing with an oily sheen, you might want to look for something different.


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