This Hack Completely Changed the Way I Do My Makeup

13/04/2022 - 10:50 PM

TikTok contour hack filter

A few months ago, I discovered a TikTok filter to help you draw on your perfect eyebrows [1]. I tested it out for myself and found that I loved the way it made my eyebrows look. So when I saw that the filter's creator, Grace M Choi [2], had made another TikTok filter [3] — this time to give your face the perfect contour [4] — I added it to my favourites to try when I had some free time. I ended up completely forgetting about it, as one does, until I came across influencer Mikayla Nogueira [5] testing it out. When I saw what a difference it made on her face, I knew I had to give it a try ASAP, so I decided to get up and test it out right then and there.

Unlike some social media filters that change the shape of your facial features, this filter helps to find the right area to place your contour based on your face shape. Choi says she "created the filter to help you sculpt your perfect cheekbones according to Dr. Marquardt's Golden Ratio."

tiktok contour filter hack

To test it out for myself, I started by first filling in my eyebrows. Next, I used the Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter [6] ($44) and the It Cosmetic CC+ Nude Glow Foundation [7] ($42) to complete my base makeup.

From there, I activated the filter through my TikTok app. What popped up was a futuristic-looking filter that showed lines going across and down the middle of my face. One area was highlighted in blue, which was the area I knew I needed to fill in with contour. Then, I filled in the blue areas with cream contour on just the left side of my face using my current favourite contour stick, the Rare Beauty Warm Wishes Effortless Bronzer Stick [8] ($23). Since I wanted to see if the filter actually made a difference, I opted to apply contour as I normally would on the right side of my face.

tiktok contour filter hack

The biggest difference I noticed immediately after application was that the TikTok filter had me placing contour extremely high, essentially at the top of my cheekbones where I would normally apply blush. I usually apply contour at the bottom of my cheekbones, so I wasn't completely sure if the end result would look good on my face.

Next, I used the Leia Ultraflesh Blender [9] ($59) to blend out the contour, making sure to move in an upward and outward motion. After contouring and blending everything out completely, I was honestly shocked when I stepped back to survey the results. The side of my face where I used the TikTok filter looked more sculpted, and my face looked lifted and genuinely just better all around. The side of my face where I didn't use the filter didn't look lifted whatsoever.

Now, I can't do my makeup without it. It took me about five times using the filter before I got used to the new location of my contour, and now I'm able to apply it all on my own. I never would have thought to apply contour so high up on my face, but it truly does make all the difference when doing my makeup. My contour has never looked better, which makes this a hack I'll be using until the end of time.

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