This $25 Product Covered My Thinning Hairline in Seconds

29/06/2022 - 09:25 PM

Recently, I started noticing some thinning around my hairline. It wasn't necessarily a surprising development as I wear my hair up in ponytails [3] and tight hairstyles fairly regularly, but it was extremely jarring to see nonetheless. While searching for solutions [4], I came across the Toppik Hair Filler [5] ($25). It's made up of keratin fibres that are meant to blend in with your natural hair to create thicker, fuller-looking hair [6] by filling in any sparse areas on your scalp. I immediately jumped to try it.

The product comes in a sleek purple bottle, and you can apply the fibres through the perforated applicator on top by just shaking the product directly onto the area of your choosing. Since I had a very specific area that was thinning, I decided to also get the Hair Perfecting Duo [7] ($20), which included the spray applicator and hairline optimiser.

It took some time to get the original perforated applicator off, but once I did, the spray applicator popped on without any issue and I was able to do a few test sprays before going in on my own hairline.

Then, using the shade medium brown, I started with the area where I could see the most thinning. I did two small sprays to begin with, but I was still seeing a bit of the spot, so I went in with a few additional sprays. After about six sprays in total I was finally satisfied with the area and moved on to the rest of my hairline to even it out. To my surprise, it looked extremely natural.

After using this product, I will say that the reviews are absolutely correct — this works wonders if you are experiencing any thinning that you would like to cover up, especially before a big event or special occasion. Aside from the slight difficulty I had switching out applicators, I found the product convenient and travel friendly, meaning you can easily bring it with you on any upcoming summer holidays you may have planned.

There are a few things I learned that I will definitely keep in mind for the next time that I use this product. First is to use a colour that is a bit lighter that the rest of my hair for filling in my hairline — medium brown was a perfect colour for my needs. Second, spray the product about 3-inches away from the target area, as it was a bit splotchy when I sprayed too close to my head. Lastly spraying up into the rest of my hair gives the most natural gradient which mimics the look of my normal hair pattern.

These hair fibres will definitely be my secret weapon this summer and I can't recommend them enough if you experience any hair thinning or unevenness.


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