22 Reasons We're Totally, Utterly, Head-Over-Heels in Love With Prince Harry

11/03/2018 - 03:05 PM

Prince Harry has been in the spotlight [1] throughout his entire life, being that he is a royal and all, but I'll be honest, he never really caught my attention until a couple of years ago. While I can't pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with him, I do know that there was a combination of reasons why I did. Of course, I was initially attracted to his royally good looks [2] and his bad-boy persona [3], but there were also a few other things, like his dedication to helping others [4] and his incredible love for kids [5]. It's easy to see why Meghan Markle fell for him [6]. Ahead of his wedding to the former Suits actress [7], I'm counting all the reasons I love Harry — and why you probably do, too.

He's a Proud Feminist

Just like Meghan Markle [8].

He Has a Golden Sense of Humour

We could laugh at his jokes all day.

He Knows Sharing Is Caring

And he clearly loves snacks [9], too!

He Has a Way With the Ladies . . .

Ruth Uffleman is one lucky woman [10]!

And Kids . . .

Seriously, could he be any cuter [11]?

And Gets Along Great With Animals

Could Harry actually be a dog whisperer [12]?

He Has a Heart of Gold

Harry always leads by example [13].

A Close Relationship With His Sister-in-Law . . .

These two always get a kick out of each other [14].

A Bromance With Barack Obama . . .

Look away, Joe Biden [15]!

And a Fairy Tale Romance With Meghan Markle

The way he looks at her [16] . . .

He's a Master Photobomber

Oh hey, Harry [17]!

He Isn't Afraid to Show His Softer Side

And we love him for it!

He Breaks Royal Protocol When Necessary

Especially when emotion takes over [18].

He's a Gentleman

Who said chivalry was dead?

He's Easy on the Eyes

Like, extremely easy [19].

In a Tux?

He could easily pass for James Bond.

In Uniform?

Yes, please.

What About This Uniform?

Harry looks good in pretty much anything [20].

Listen, I Could Go On and On, But You Get the Point Now, Right?

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