Get to Know the Adorable Twins Who Carried Meghan Markle's Veil — and Their Connection to the Bride!

19/05/2018 - 04:14 PM

From the moment she stepped out of her car at St George's Chapel in Windsor, all eyes were on Meghan Markle [1] and her absolutely fabulous dress [2] at the royal wedding. Even Prince Harry couldn't hold back [3], saying, "you look amazing," when greeting his bride [4]. But there were two people in particular who simply could not get over what they were witnessing, and how lucky they were to be a part of this historical moment [5]. Pageboys Brian and John Mulroney [6], the 7-year-old twins of Meghan's best friend Jessica Mulroney [7], carried the bride's stunning veil down the entire aisle before Prince Charles greeted her [8], and the boys' facial expressions say it all. One of their jaws dropped to the floor! Same, kid, same. Read on to see the adorable photos of the pageboys, who arrived with Meghan and carried her long veil [9] down the aisle.

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