Pen15's Maya and Anna Look Completely Different IRL, Duh

14/08/2020 - 10:30 PM

It's probably not surprising at all that the PEN15 [1] actors look very different in real life than they do on screen! Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle [2], who also co-created the Hulu comedy, star as fictionalized versions of their middle school selves [3], and that means styling themselves like middle schoolers [4]: bad fashion and regrettable haircuts and all.

In real life, though, they're both super stylish women in Hollywood, with their own unique sense of fashion and a much more confident presence. Ahead of the second season [5], which is set to debut on Sept. 18, keep reading to compare some of their real-life appearances to how they look on screen — you'll barely even recognise them!

Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine as Anne Kone and Maya Ishii-Peters in PEN15

As awkward junor high students, Anna and Maya have an understandably eclectic style. Those hairstyles! Those sweaters!

Maya Erskine in Real Life

In real life, Erskine has a beautiful, girly style when she walks the (many) red carpets. She alternates between elegantly swept updos and letting her hair loose, and her outfits embrace classically feminine details like floral prints, ruffles, and even some sparkles! Take a look at some of her best recent looks:

Anna Konkle in Real Life

In contrast with her awkward tween character, the real Konkle is always put together. Whether she's rocking a sleek hairdo and equally sleek pantsuits or letting her hair loose and trying out a floaty gown, she always looks stylish! See some of her most recent looks ahead:

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