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Young Dylan Meets Cardi B on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Aw! This 10-Year-Old Aspiring Rapper Met Cardi B on Ellen, and He Genuinely Impressed Her

Young Dylan is basically already a star, but I bet meeting Cardi B on The Ellen DeGeneres Show gave him even more confidence. The 10-year-old aspiring rapper recently met the Grammy-winning rapper and got some one-on-one life advice from her. Dylan freestyled in his studio setup in front of Cardi, and she told him to keep recording at a young age so he can have the footage to look back on, just like Travis Scott did in his Netflix documentary. Seeing Dylan's huge smile as he meets one of his idols is seriously one of the sweetest things you'll see all week! He's already a regular on Ellen, and he's definitely going places. Watch the whole video above.

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