The Avengers: Infinity War Gag Reel Is 40 Seconds of Pure Joy

13/08/2018 - 05:01 PM

If you're still torn up about the ending of Avengers: Infinity War [1], then I highly suggest you 1.) go see a therapist, and 2.) kick back, relax, and enjoy the film's hilarious gag reel. (It's pretty much the only way to get the sound of Peter Parker saying, "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good," [2] out of your head, trust me.) Although Marvel has only released the first 40 seconds of the bloopers so far, the full video — as well as featurettes and deleted scenes — will be headed your way when Infinity War arrives on Blu-ray on Aug. 14 (and then hopefully on Netflix in a few months [3]). Put that box of tissues away and check it out above.

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