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Best Bad Movies on Netflix

Forget Going Out — You Need to Watch These Movies That Are SO Bad, They're Amazing

Best Bad Movies on Netflix
Image Source: Everett Collection

I am a firm believer in never being ashamed of anything that makes you happy. If it isn't hurting anyone, there's no reason you should call it a "guilty pleasure." The definition of pleasure is "a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment," so who has time to feel shame about something you enjoy? Not I, friends. Not. I.

Which is why I have no problem admitting that I love a good bad movie. The kind that has a ridiculous plot, but the actors actually have chemistry and you can't help but smile whenever they do something awkward. Or, the kind that is so hilariously bad, it's the perfect balm to any horrible day. You know exactly the kind of movies I'm talking about, because you probably have several you watch religiously. You don't love the movie in spite of it being bad; you love it because it's so bad. The crappy quality is part of its charm. It's just so damn bad, it's good!

However, there's a thin line between so bad it's good and plain old bad. Obviously, everyone has different taste and what might work for you doesn't work for others, but there are a few factors of every good bad movie that make it easier to differentiate:

  • The movie is critically a bad movie. No more than two thumbs up.
  • It can't know it's a bad movie. This has to be a movie that people genuinely thought was good when they were making it. Parodies and satires that are knowingly terrible do not count!
  • You have to love it because it's bad, not in spite of it being bad.

    Now, without further ado, I've rounded up some of the best bad movies available to stream on Netflix. Some of these are personal favourites of mine, but all of them fulfil the requirements previously mentioned. Check them out ahead and enjoy the ridiculously terrible amazingness of them all.

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