Inspire the Best Version of Yourself With These Thoughtful (and Hilarious) Reads

07/09/2018 - 06:40 PM

I love diving into a long, sweeping novel as much as the next person, but every once in a while, it's nice to read a book that you can pick up and put down whenever you need a boost. For my monthly POPSUGAR Book Club Instagram series [1], I shared some recent reads that can inspire you to be your best self and (bonus!) make you laugh, too. Each pick offers tiny bursts of wisdom in the form of entertaining essays, adorable illustrations, or memorable one-liners, so if you're looking for a little motivation as Fall approaches, check out these must reads and be sure to tune in at the end of each month [2] for more book recommendations!

Nobody Cares by Anne T. Donahue

You may know Anne T. Donahue thanks to her hilarious tweets [4] or her insightful newsletter [5], and Nobody Cares [6] (out Sept. 18) carries that same perfect mix of wit and wisdom. Reading the essay collection feels like you're having a sleepover with your best friend and you're in the middle of one of those conversations that goes from funny to profound in an instant.

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