Can We Take a Minute to Talk About Ambrose on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? I Have Feelings

31/10/2018 - 07:55 PM

It's a dark world in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina [1], but even with the Church of Night, a lethal villain [2], and a misogynistic high school principal, there's one bright light at the end of this dismal tunnel: Ambrose Spellman. Cousin to our favourite blond witch, the British warlock is described as "witty, puckish, and pan-sexual," though I would add "ridiculously attractive" to that description in a hot second. Generally serving as the voice of reason in the Spellman household, Ambrose alternates between giving Sabrina sage advice when she desperately needs it and causing mischief with his own wild decisions — like using astral projection to make a date.

Though Ambrose looks young — actor Chance Perdomo is in his early 20s [3] — he's literally an old soul, since warlocks and witches can live well into their hundreds and he's been under house arrest for quite some time now [4]. Maybe that's why everything he does seems so worldly. From his numerous house robes, his propensity to lounge on any surface, and that crooked grin, Ambrose fully has me under his spell. And I know Chilling Adventures fans are right there with me. So let's join hands witches and warlocks, and let's savor him together.

When He Moves Multiple Parts of His Body at Once Because He's Talented Like That

When He Smirks at the Chance to Cause Mischief

When He's Panicking and Executes the Perfect Dramatic Exit

When He's Trying to Eat, but You Know You're the Only Snack He Needs

When the Slip of His Robe Makes Your Breath Hitch

When You're Mesmerised by His Card Handling

When His Confusion Makes Him Even More Adorable

When He Manages to Make These Work Glasses Look Good

When He's So Damn Smooth, You Know It's Magic

When He Meets a Bad Witch, and You Just Wish You Were In the Middle

When He's Swearing on Satan's Claw, but You're Into It

When He's Just Trying to Have a Good Time . . .

. . . and You're Leaning Forward in Your Seat . . .

But Something Interrupts Him

And He's Gotta Go Save His Family

When He's Being Messy, as Usual

When He Looks So Earnest and Good

Those Big Brown Eyes!!

When He's Just Waking Up . . .

. . . and the Sun Hits Him Just Right


When He's Just . . . Look at him!

When He's With Bae, and You Aren't Even Mad

When They're So Cute, You Have to Sigh

When You're Ready For Your Dark Baptism Just For This Face

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