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Colton and Cassie Deleted Scene From The Bachelor

This Deleted Scene From The Bachelor Proves Colton Is REALLY Into Cassie

After giving Colton Underwood a butterfly keepsake on the first night of The Bachelor, Cassie Randolph is getting her own little gift. While there are still plenty of contestants left on the show, it's clear that Colton and Cassie's relationship is one of the strongest. If they're smooch-filled one-on-one didn't prove it before, this deleted scene will definitely convince you that Colton is smitten. After a stressful week of petty girl drama and abrupt departures, Cassie and Colton got some alone time, and he brought her a gift!

"I wanted to give you a Vietnam keepsake," he said, giving her a shell from a walk on the beach, which reminded him of their time in Vietnam. But that's not even the cutest part — he kept one for himself so they would have matching shells! Watch the heartfelt moment above, and see why all signs are pointing to Cassie getting a proposal at the end of the season.

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