25 of the Funniest Things That Have Ever Been Said on Supernatural, Period

14/02/2018 - 08:55 PM

While we might watch Supernatural [1] for the ghost-hunting, supernatural crime-fighting squad and the one-of-a-kind bromances [2] (seriously, we're actually obsessed [3]), it also happens to be home to some of the funniest lines ever said on television. Dean has infamous one-liners that make us roar with laughter, and the squad in general is hilarious without even trying. Continue scrolling to see some of the funniest moments from the series . . . and fingers crossed there are plenty more to come in future episodes.

When Dean Gives a Hilarious (but Accurate) Self-Introduction

When Crowley Pens Adorable Pet Names For the Boys

Specifically from Rocky and Bullwinkle.

When Dean Definitely Isn't Full of Himself

He isn't wrong, though. Call it being self-aware?

When Castiel Says His Now-Infamous Line With Confidence

When Dean Is Concerned For the Well-Being of Inanimate Objects

When Sam Is All of Us, Honestly

When Dean Reveals His Secret Identity

When This Rather Bizarre Chain of Coincidences Unfolds

When Dean Discovers His Supernatural Spidey Senses

When Bobby Basically Describes Us

When Cas Is Giving Some Strange Mixed Signals

When Lucifer Offers Sam the Most Comfortable Stay Possible in Hell

When Dean Makes a Simple, Totally Nonviolent Request

When the Winchesters Have Some Good Ol' Brotherly Love (and Teasing)

When Dean Has a Perfect Plan of Celebration

How else would one end a long, difficult day of defeating evil forces of the supernatural?

When Cas Throws It Back to the '90s

When Dean Continues to Have the Best One-Liners Ever


When Cas Is Dumbfounded (as Were We)

When Dean Gives an Important Clarification

When Cas Can't Comprehend Emoji

When Bobby Is Savage AF and Doesn't Even Care

When Dean Does His Best Abraham Lincoln Impression

Spot on. Bravo, babe.

When Cas Is Probably the Happiest He Has Ever Been, Like Ever

In Conclusion, Supernatural Is the Funniest Show Out There

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