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Is Matt Damon in Black Mirror?

10 People Who Are Convinced That Matt Damon Is in Black Mirror (He Isn't)

Is Matt Damon in Black Mirror?
Image Source: Netflix

If you're reading this, you probably either can't believe people actually think Matt Damon is in the new season of Black Mirror or you don't understand why I'm trying to convince you that the actor playing Chief Technical Officer Robert Daly isn't Matt Damon. It's not Matt Damon, dummy. It's Jesse Plemons, who you know as Landry Clarke from Friday Night Lights, Todd from Breaking Bad, or Ed Blumquist from Fargo.

To be fair, Plemons, who stars in the jam-packed "USS Callister" episode, does bear a passing resemblance to Damon. (Is it just me or do they have a crazy-similar voice, too?)

For the record, Emmy-nominee Plemons is on the left, and Oscar-winner Damon is on the right:

They're not exactly twinsies . . . or are they?

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