Someone Compiled Michael Scott's Best Impressions on The Office — and by Best, I Mean Worst

Sure, Jim Halpert's pranks on Dwight Schrute [1] are entertaining and all, but my favourite part of rewatching The Office [2]? Witnessing Michael Scott rattle off his many celebrity impressions, making his fellow Dunder Mifflin employees cringe and fake laugh in confusion. If you also have a penchant for the regional manager's awkward impersonations, you don't have to sit through all nine seasons [3] to relive the best (see: worst) ones, because The Office's YouTube channel has blessed us with a hysterical compilation [4]. The supercut is 10 minutes of pure hilarity, including Michael's take on the following stars and characters, to name a few:

Somehow not mentioned in the selection is Michael's most notable impersonation of all: that of being a Regional Manager at a fully functioning paper company. Hah, only kidding! Watch the entire supercut above if you're in the mood to chuckle aloud.

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