SNL Gives Dog-Lovers a New Rap Anthem, and We're Waiting For It to Hit No. 1 on the Charts

If you consider yourself a dog-lover, then we have a special treat for you! On the Jan. 26 episode of Saturday Night Live [1], some of the cast members got together for an epic music video called "I Love My Dog." It's three whole minutes of them rapping about how much they love their four-legged friends, so it's basically one of the best songs currently on the internet. Kenan Thompson raps about his "little pookie-wookie," James McAvoy [2] threateningly tells people to respect their dogs, and Pete Davidson can't help but pet his furry companions even though he's allergic. The song is as amazing as it sounds, so watch the music video above while we start a petition to make this available for streaming.

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