No Longer a Little Bit Alexis: Annie Murphy's Kevin Can F*ck Himself Character Is Wild

13/06/2021 - 08:00 PM

We might as well give Annie Murphy all the awards now because Schitt's Creek [1] fans are going to be shocked by her portrayal of exasperated housewife Allison McRoberts. For those unfamiliar with the AMC show's premise, Kevin Can F*ck Himself [2] cheekily flips the script on your typical sitcom by centreing on Allison, who realises she wants to be more than "Kevin's wife." The meta-drama switches between the old-school multi-cam format and the more dramatic single-camera lens to highlight the contrast between what Allison sees [3] and what the world sees.

Murphy previously told POPSUGAR that Allison "couldn't be further from Alexis." She called the role "a really, really wonderful challenge" that shows what she's capable of doing. "In Kevin Can F*ck Himself, I'm playing a woman from Worcester, MA, with a real chip on her shoulder and a real doozy of an accent . . . As much as I miss everyone and I miss [playing Alexis], it was really, really fun to take on something completely different." Ahead, you can see just how different Allison and Alexis truly are.

Allison Is Currently Stuck in an Unhappy Marriage

While Ted Mullens proposes to Alexis twice throughout Schitt's Creek [4], the duo never actually get married. If they had gotten married, it would likely have been a happy one as the couple seemed made for one another. Meanwhile, during the first episode of Kevin Can F*ck Himself, it's evident that Allison is far from happy — even while celebrating their 10th anniversary. Outside of their relationship mirroring the tropes seen on shows like King of Queens, Married With Children, and According to Jim, we're not sure what Allison ever saw in Kevin. Perhaps when the two got together, he was closer to what she wanted in a partner, but now, it's only a matter of time before she snaps, and not like how Alexis did when she escaped the Yakuza as a 21-year-old.

Allison Isn't Exactly the Most Glamorous Person

Even after having to scale back and adjust to living in Schitt's Creek [5], Alexis is still one of the most fashionable people on the show. It doesn't matter if she's picking up trash off the highway in heels or working as a receptionist at Ted's veterinary office, she knows how to turn a look.

Are we going to be looking to Allison for fashion tips or makeup ideas? Probably not. Between a trash can ruining her sweater and some snobbish attendees treating her like sh*t at a makeup store, it seems like the world is against her. Allison just wants more from life but doesn't have the tools to get her where she wants to go, including the clothes and makeup. It doesn't help that those around her are more focussed on what she can do for Kevin than what she can do for herself.

Allison Has Friends That Aren't Using Her to Gain Status

Can you name any of Alexis's friends from Schitt's Creek [6]? Don't worry if you can't, most of Alexis's friends dropped her after the Roses lost everything. Alexis and Allison are similar in the fact that they're very isolated from their lives pre-show, but Allison is at least working towards making real friendships early on. Could that include her brother's best friend's sister Patty and an ex-boyfriend named Sam? Potentially. Only time will tell if Kevin will continue to isolate her thanks to his zany antics.

Allison Could Still Be Hung Up on a High School Boyfriend

Alexis is pretty good about moving on from old boyfriends that aren't Ted. She does like to name-drop famous ones periodically, but that's part of the Alexis charm on Schitt's Creek [7]. With Allison, not much is known about her life outside of her relationship with Kevin. Everything is all about Kevin — that is, until she reunites with her ex Sam Park and realises there might be more to life. If it were Alexis, she would naturally go after what she wants without worrying about consequences, however, Allison worries that her dreams are unattainable and even the smallest amount of hope could be futile.

Allison Might Have Homicidal Tendencies

Are there times when Alexis wants to kill her family? Yes, but she never really means it. Plus, Schitt's Creek [8] is a legit comedy, and murder wouldn't have really fit in with the whole small-town vibe. However, with Allison, murder seems like the only way out. Fantasizing about killing Kevin and actually killing Kevin are two very different things, but seeing as the show is on AMC, either is a real possibility.

Kevin Can F*ck Himself airs Sundays at 6 p.m. PT/9 p.m. ET

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