Our Ears Have Been Blessed by an A Cappella Group's Otherworldly Billie Eilish Cover

If you're not currently wearing a sweater, you may want to slip one on, because a serious case of goosebumps is coming your way, courtesy of The Devil Clefs [1]. An a cappella group from Arizona State University, The Devil Clefs recently took on the challenge of singing not one but two Billie Eilish songs [2], and good heavens, they sounded absolutely angelic. Sitting in the staircase of ASU's School of Music, the group of 17 college students belted out Eilish's "Idontwannabeyouanymore" and "When the Party's Over" sans instruments, seamlessly transitioning between the tracks with otherworldly "ooo's." It's easy to see why their cover garnered more than one million views in just a few days on YouTube. Watch their now-viral rendition above, and don't say we didn't warn you about getting chills.

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