The Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Sequel Release Date Has Been Announced

04/11/2019 - 09:30 AM

SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, Miles Morales (voice: Shameik Moore), 2018.  Columbia Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

Alright, let's do this one last time. Miles Morales and his fellow spidermen (and women) will be returning to theatres for a Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse [1] sequel, and we only have to wait until . . . April 8, 2022?! Looks like my schedule is clear for the next three years.

Considering that the original movie took years to animate because of the unique combination of art styles seen throughout the film, I'm not surprised it's going to be a while. But I am expecting some seriously cool artwork, another catchy soundtrack [2], and an equally amazing (and hilarious) storyline this time around, too. Marvel and Columbia Pictures have yet to release further details about the second film — if only I had the power to hop through different dimensions and tell you now — but my spidey senses tell me it's going to be worth the three-year wait.

We're coming back. April 8, 2022. #SpiderVerse [3] 🕷️ pic.twitter.com/DMzzjbzVkd [4]

— Christopher Miller (@chrizmillr) November 1, 2019 [5]

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