Prepare to Get Completely Lost in Kelly Clarkson's Cover of Harry Styles's "Adore You"

Kelly Clarkson [1] has a way of making a cover completely her own. During The Kelly Clarkson Show [2] on Wednesday, the singer performed Harry Styles's hit "Adore You" for the latest segment of Kellyoke [3]. With a live band and backup singer, the song took on a whole new form. Wearing an eyepatch and jean dress, Clarkson didn't miss a beat as she belted out the lyrics. The host addressed her interesting choice of accessory during the show, saying, "I'm sorry I look like a pirate [4]. I hurt my eye, and I have to wear it. And, so, it's ridiculous." The only thing ridiculous is Clarkson's flawless voice. Those high notes! Watch her incredible cover above.

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