Schitt's Creek Has Come to an End, But Moira Rose's Titillating Vocabulary Lives On

08/04/2020 - 07:57 PM

If I could pay Catherine O'Hara to follow me around and narrate my life like Moira Rose [1] from Schitt's Creek [2] for a day, I'd empty my bank account in a heartbeat. Eccentric to a fashion fault (or strength), Moira's, um, unique and extensive vocabulary [3], while often confusing, is part of what makes her character so charming.

If ever I need a laugh or feel like embracing my inner Hollywood-star-gone-town-councilor, all I have to do is remember the time she nonchalantly called David a "disgruntled pelican" and my mood is instantly improved. "Dewdropper" (aka a lollygagger), "frippet [4]," "callipygian [5]," "bedevil [6]," "confabulate [7]," "unasinous [8]," "bombilate [9]," and "pettifogging [10]" — which are all real, by the way — are just a few of the words Moira's managed to slip into my subconscious over the years that make me love her character even more. In honour of the Schitt's Creek finale [11] (which aired on April 7), keep scrolling to relive a few of Moira's best quotes from the show ahead.

When Moira Just Needs a Break

When David Is Acting Like a Disgruntled Pelican

When Moira Is All of Us Getting Invited Somewhere We Don't Want to Be

When Everyone Around Her Is "Pettifogging!"

When Moira Is Feeling Inspirational and Breaks Out Some Motivational Words

When Moira Reveals That Her Favourite Season Is Award Season

When Moira Captures the Mood of Going to a Work Party Perfectly

When Moira Is Incredibly Relatable

When Moira Seemingly Makes Up Her Own Phrases

When Moira Doesn't Understand Technology

When Moira Is All of Us Remembering Her Amazing Quotes Over the Years

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