The "My Best Friend Anne Frank" Trailer Shows Anne Frank and Hannah Goslar's Tormented Bond

"My Best Friend Anne Frank [1]" is now streaming on Netflix! The streaming service dropped a trailer for the movie only a day before its debut. The trailer shows the innocent friendship between Jewish teens Anne Frank and Hannah Gosler shift from carefree to a bond of tragedy as their families both get taken to Amsterdam concentration camps [2] during the Holocaust. "Do you promise to stay with me forever?" Anne asked her best friend, to which she nods.

After a few days without Hannah, Anne questions whether she's been "picked up" by Nazis although her father lies and says, "No, they're with family in Switzerland." The trailer continues as Anne and her family are taken to a concentration camp neighbouring one where Hannah's family was placed. The friends eventually configure a way to communicate through a fence and comfort one another during the Nazi occupation. Before watching the film on Netflix, see the full trailer above!

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