Robert Pattinson's Batman Is Going Through an Emo Phase and We Are Absolutely Here For It

24/08/2020 - 11:09 PM

Was I thrilled about yet another Batman movie? Absolutely not . . . but then I saw the trailer for Matt Reeves's The Batman [1]. Since the trailer dropped during DC's Fandome [2], my brain has been consumed with images of Robert Pattinson [3]'s smokey eyes and swoopy haircut. I'm not the only one that's freaking out over his look — it's practically taken over the internet [4]! And like any good thing that lives on the internet, it's hard not to compare Pattinson's emo vibes to some other choice gems. Below are just a few comparisons I simply can't get over.

If you don't fully agree with my list, you can watch the trailer below to make some comparisons for yourself.

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