I Can't Be the Only One Who Fell For Sebastian de Souza After Watching Channel 4's The Great

16/05/2020 - 08:36 PM

I sure hope you've made plans to watch Channel 4's The Great [1] because it's one heck of a binge. It's a very loose portrayal of Catherine the Great's rise to power, but it's a fun show nonetheless. I was excited to watch Elle Fanning step into the regal role of Catherine, opposite of Nicholas Hoult's reckless Peter. But I didn't expect to quickly fall for Catherine's side lover, Leo, played by Sebastian de Souza [2].

As someone who always hopes a powerful female character steers clear of romances, especially if it means dampening her own drive, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Catherine and Leo develop real feelings for each other. My annoyance turned into frustration when I realised how charming Leo is, and then, as if a switch flipped, I found myself looking forward to any and every scene with Leo. Maybe it's his smile. Maybe it's his humour and witty wisecracks. Maybe it's his healthy support and admiration of Catherine. Maybe it's all of those things (it totally is), but the point is, I am now a Leo stan. So in honour of the sweet poet, keep reading to thirst over his scenes — huzzah!

Oh, Hello There

That's not just any walk — that is the "Leo Strut," which is a phrase coined by me at this exact moment.

He Takes His Drink Selections Very Seriously

He's even holding the bottle with such care. These details are important!

I'm Going to Pretend Like They Just Finished Toasting to Leo and His Adorable Smile

*Raises glass.*

He Even Makes Catherine Have Heart-Eyes

OK, you can't see his face in this picture, but the way Catherine is looking at him pretty much sums up how I feel.

Shout-Out to Those Perfectly Arched Eyebrows

BRB, melting into a puddle.

OK, Jawline!

Here, we see Leo looking at our future together. Pure awe.

He's a Jock, Too?!

I've always had a thing for athletes. I guess I do have a type.

Even When He Looks Unamused, He's a Cutie

Oh, Leo, you are truly something special.

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