No Need to Stand! This Arms and Abs Dumbbell Workout Is All on the Floor

11/09/2018 - 12:34 AM

While we are fans of full-body workouts [1], sometimes you just don't want to stand and lift. We get it. We've created a simple workout for your arms and abs that can be done on the floor for those days when being upright is just too, too much. And all you need is set of dumbbells, between five and 10 pounds, and a comfy space on the floor.

Directions: Warm up with shoulder circles, seated scarecrow [2], and a 30-second plank. Then perform this six-exercise circuit three times, resting for one minute between circuits. Cool down with a spinal twist and a hip-flexor stretch.

Single-Arm Chest Press

Reps: 10, each arm

This exercise will work your pecs, but your abs need to work to stabilize your torso since you're working one arm at a time.

Skull Crusher

Reps: 12

This exercise works the triceps; for a more challenging variation, lift your legs to a table-top position with your hips and knees both bent to 90 degrees. Be sure to keep your torso stable.

Overhead Reach With Leg Lower

Reps: 10, each side (alternating legs)

This exercise challenges the abs to stabilize the torso, but will also fire up the shoulders.

Dumbbell Crossover Punch

Reps: 12, alternating sides

The sit-up works the abs, and the punch works the arms.

V-Sit With Single-Arm Fly

Reps: 10, each arm (alternating sides)

Holding the V-sit will works the abs, but they will kick in even more as you move your arm from centre. The fly works the shoulders and chest.

Double Crunch Pulse With Weight

Reps: 20

This is a great move for targeting the upper and lower abs.

Cooldown: Runner's Lunge

Cooldown: Lying Low Back Twist

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