Getting a Firm, Sculpted Butt Isn't as Hard as It Seems — Here's How to Do It

21/09/2018 - 01:15 PM

Some people seem genetically blessed to naturally have a round, full butt, and others have to work for it. Whether your goal is to fill out your favourite dress, completely transform your butt [1], or just tone it up [2], you're going to have to change your workout routine, focusing on building more muscle in your glutes (and you'll probably need to increase your daily caloric intake in order to sustain your gains).

As a trainer [3], a few of my favourite exercises for toning and sculpting a booty are lunges [4], hip thrusts [5], and split squats [6]. If you're just beginning to strength train, don't have access to a gym, or want some extracurricular at-home sculpting work, continue reading.

The Workout

Since these moves will activate your glutes [7], there's no need to warm up in advance. Feel free to stretch [8] and do mobility work [9] beforehand if you'd like. You'll perform the moves in a circuit, taking little to no rest in between exercises. Once you complete a set, take two minutes of rest and then repeat for a total of four rounds.

Traditional Bridge Exercise

Reverse Lunge With a Knee Drive

Single-Leg Bridges


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