Full-Body Fitness Quickie: 20-Minute Cardio HIIT Workout

18/06/2018 - 07:45 PM

This killer HIIT workout will burn major calories while cutting some seriously sleek abs. By mixing plyo moves with core-centric planks, we keep your heart rate up and your entire body working with every move. And let us remind you, HIIT workouts [1] are designed for you to push yourself and go at 90 percent of your personal max (emphasis on personal, you be the judge of your exertion level [2] — but you do get rest periods! And to time those rest periods, we recommed the Simple Interval Timer [3] app. It's free and easy to use.


Warmup: Do each warmup exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the warmup circuit a total of three times. Then take two minutes to work out any kinks you're feeling with some dynamic stretches [4] for you quads, hamstrings, hips flexors, and shoulders.

Workout: Repeat each three-exercise circuit twice; perform each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Rest one minute between the circuits.

Cooldown: Take three minutes to stretch your legs [5] and shoulders.

Warmup: Knees and Toes

Warmup: Plank Jack

Warmup: 180 Jump

Do three rounds of the warmup circuit, followed by two minutes of dynamic stretching.

Circuit One: Jump Shot

Circuit One: Alternating Two-Point Touch

Circuit One: Jumping Lunges

Do two rounds of this circuit, and rest for one minute before starting the second circuit.

Circuit Two: Side Skaters

Circuit Two: Side Plank March

Circuit Two: 180 Jump Squat

Do two rounds of this circuit, then take three minutes to stretch for a cooldown. Then give yourself a high five for a job well done!

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