A 10-Minute Leg Workout That's Just 4 Moves

15/11/2018 - 08:50 PM

Let's focus on your lower half for a minute . . . well, for 10 minutes. This fast workout targets the legs and glutes, but your core will get a little action, too. It's short, so go ahead, push yourself — keeping good form, of course — and only take rests as needed.

Leg Workout

Equipment needed: None

Directions: Warm up with two minutes of light cardio (find inspiration here [1]), then perform as many sets of this four-exercise circuit as you can in eight minutes. Follow the prescribed number of reps and maintain good form throughout; take rests only if needed. Cool down with some stretches for your hamstrings [2], quads [3], and glutes [4].


Keep reading for detailed descriptions of each exercise.

Squat Thrust

You might consider this just a burpee without a push-up, but we love how this full-body exercise works the legs and the abs while raising the heart rate a bit too.

Air Squat

The basic squat will work your legs — quads, hamstrings, and calves — and your glutes.

Alternating Side Lunge

Moving laterally is a great way to work the glutes on the sides of your pelvis (known as the gluteus medius) that help stabilize the pelvis, making this a great exercise for runners.

Sumo Squat Jump

Sumo squat jumps offer a new take on the traditional plyo squat — one that you're definitely going to feel in your quads and deep glutes.

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