HIIT It With This Total-Body Tabata

15/11/2018 - 09:07 PM

When it comes to making the most out of a quick workout, you need to hit it with some high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT) [1]. The Tabata Protocol [2] is a highly structured, quick, and efficient form of HIIT — each round is only four minutes long, divided into eight 20-second periods of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

This workout comprises a short warmup, followed by two rounds of Tabata. To keep thing exciting, you get to alternate between exercises within each Tabata; this helps keep your muscles fresh so you can really go your max during the work intervals. We recommend using a SIT app [3] to keep track of your timing.

Full-Body Tabata

Equipment needed: None

Directions: After a quick 90-second warmup, alternate between 20 seconds of high-intensity work with 10 seconds of rest — alternating between the two exercises listed for each round — for eight work intervals, four minutes total. Take a one-minute rest between rounds of Tabata.


Tabata 1:

Tabata 2:

For detailed descriptions and images of each of these moves, keep reading.

Warmup: Jumping Jack

There's a reason gym teachers love this move (yeah, it makes us think of elementary school, too). It's a great way to raise your heart rate and warm up the sides of your body.

Warmup: Alternating Side Lunge

Get a little deeper into your hips and legs with this side lunge.

Warmup: Fast Feet

Here's a fun way to challenge your coordination while getting your heart rate up.

Tabata 1: To-the-Floor Burpee

The burpee is a challenging full-body move, but you can do anything for 20 seconds. Yes, you can.

Tabata 1: Side Skater

The side skater works the glute med, which stabilizes the pelvis to prevent too much side-to-side swaying when walking and running. All that swaying can hurt your low back and hips.

Tabata 2: Knees and Toes

Tone up those hard-to-work lower abs and get in some serious fat-burning cardio all in one fell swoop with this challenging (but fun!) move.

Tabata 2: Twisted Mountain Climber

Work your abs and your shoulders with this mountain climber variation.

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