This 20-Minute Lower-Body Strength Workout Targets Every Muscle From The Waist Down

30/08/2021 - 06:30 PM

Under Armour and ACE-certified trainer Ariel Belgrave [1] is here to remind you to not skip leg day. With this 20-minute lower-body workout, you'll ignite your core and challenge your balance as you build lower body strength.

While this workout requires one heavy dumbbell and two medium-to-heavy dumbbells, the weight is going to vary from person to person (if you aren't sure, check out our guide on how to choose the right weight [2]). Belgrave advises that in order to choose the dumbbells that work best for you, try to bicep curl and see how many reps you can do without leaning your full body forward. If you prefer exact numbers, Belgrave says that the medium weight can range from five to 10 pounds and the heavier weight can range from eight to 15 pounds or more.

Once you've chosen your weights, keep reading to follow this multi-functional workout.

20-Minute Lower-Body Strength Under Armour Workout

Equipment needed: one heavy dumbbell, 2 medium-to-heavy dumbbells

Directions: Complete each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second recovery. Do three rounds of the full workout with a one-minute rest in between rounds. Before you start, do a dynamic warmup to get yourself ready to work. Cool down afterward with these full-body static stretches

Reverse Lunge 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest
Dumbbell Swing 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest
Glute bridge 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest
Deadlift 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest
Goblet Squat 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest

Reverse Lunge

Dumbbell Swing

Glute Bridge with Dumbbell


Goblet Squat

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