This Bodyweight Arm Workout Will Toast Your Upper Body and Spike Your Heart Rate

30/08/2021 - 05:20 PM

Want to work your upper body but don't have any equipment on hand? Never fear: This 20-minute upper-body cardio and strength workout is all bodyweight — and just six moves, so you can get in, get sweating, and get done fast. Created by Victoria Brown [1], an Under Armour trainer and certified strength and conditioning coach, this no-equipment arm workout will help you build foundational strength while getting some cardio at the same time. Check it out below and let's get sweating!

20-Minute Upper-Body Cardio and Strength Workout

Directions: Start with this dynamic warm-up [2], then begin the workout. You'll complete each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by a 10-second recovery. Once you finish the last exercise, go back to the start and repeat the circuit for three rounds. Cool down afterward with a full-body stretching routine.

Exercise Name Time
Shoulder taps 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest
Press jack 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest
Bear crawl knee tap 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest
Forearm plank reach 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest
Crab to knee or foot 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest
Break dancer 40 seconds, followed by 10-second rest

Shoulder Tap

Press Jack

Bear Crawl Knee Tap

Forearm Plank Reach

Crab to Knee or Foot

Break Dancer

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