Your Core Has Been Craving This 4-Move Ab Workout From Trainer QiQi Hill

20/10/2021 - 12:10 AM
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While you can knock out quite a few ab moves using no equipment at all [3], when I'm really trying to increase my core strength [4], I like to reach for some weight. Turns out, there's a lot of weighted ab moves you can do besides the usual ones (looking at you, Russian twists [5]) if you're looking to torch your core and build some muscle, and NASM-certified personal trainer QiQi Hill [6] demoed four that are great to put together in a short workout or add into one of your routines.

If you're looking for a deep ab burn with just a couple of dumbbells, here are the moves Hill demos in the post above:

Hill doesn't offer any rep suggestions, but if you want to make this into a short ab workout, start with 10 reps of each exercise and two to three sets of the full circuit. Or, throw these moves at the end of a full-body dumbbell workout to make your abs a little more sore tomorrow. Grab a pair of dumbbells (here's how to choose the right weight [7]) and get ready to work your core!

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