No Weights? Check Out This Trainer's Arm Workout That Uses (Yes!) 1 Booty Band

24/06/2019 - 12:43 PM

Booty bands are great for . . . well . . . your booty. Here are six trainer-approved banded glute exercises [1] to prove it. NASM-certified personal trainer Alexia Clark [2] told POPSUGAR that these bands are quintessential equipment to have for home workouts because they're easy to store and even easier to transport anywhere. They're also effective. "I tell people that some of the hardest sets or burnouts and workouts I've done have been using bands," she said.

Booty bands are also a great alternative to dumbbells for working your arms at home, Alexia noted. While booty bands are by no means dumbbells, the resistance will still add intensity to each rep. "There are different ways you can put the bands around your arms to work a fly [3] or shoulder press," she explained. Alexia suggests using a light-resistance band for this — since you want to be able to, for example, pull the band all the way up to your chest in a bicep curl — and she recommends a band made of rubber as opposed to a fabric one [4].

Alexia Clark's At-Home Booty Band Arm Workout

Make sure to warm up with some of these moves first [5]. Alexia says this workout should take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Do three rounds of circuit one before doing three rounds of circuit two. Rest for 15 to 30 seconds between each exercise and take a one- to two-minute break between each round. Or if you want a challenge, take minimal rest between rounds.

Circuit 1 (Rounds: 3)

  1. Single-arm bent-over row: 12 to 15 reps (left side)
  2. Single-arm curl: 12 reps (left side)
  3. Single-arm bent-over row: 12 to 15 reps (right side)
  4. Single-arm curl: 12 reps (right side)
  5. Upright row: 12 to 15 reps
  6. 90-degree raises: 15 reps

Circuit 2 (Rounds: 3)

  1. Superwoman raises: 40 seconds
  2. Crawl out push-up: eight to 10 reps
  3. Lateral bear crawl: 40 seconds

Don't forget to cool down [6] afterward! Ahead, check out how to do each exercise, plus the band that Alexia used for the workout (included in her full set of Alexia Clark resistance bands). We also found other options for you on Amazon.

Single-Arm Bent-Over Row

Single-Arm Curl

Upright Row

90-Degree Raises

Superwoman Raises

Crawl Out Push-Ups

Lateral Bear Crawl

Alexia Used the Light Pink Mini (or Booty) Band For These Exercises

You can get the same light pink light-resistance booty band she used for the workout in this Alexia Clark Resistance Bands and Mini Bands - Full Set [8] ($45). Ahead, check out more sets that include light-resistance booty bands.

Peach Bands [9] ($15, originally $25).

SmarterLife Exercise Bands [10] ($14).

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