The Holy Grail Keto Diet Guide — Everything From the Surprising Benefits to Weird Side Effects

25/08/2018 - 10:00 AM

The keto diet [1] has been around for years, but recently its popularity has been on the rise, with people all over the world crediting the diet for their weight-loss transformations [2]. Whether you're just curious about the keto diet or ready to get started and don't want to do all the research on the dos and don'ts, we've got you covered. Think of this as a Keto 101 course. With this guide you'll learn about how your macros should be split up, what you can drink, the side effects, and more. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the low-carb, high-fat diet.

The Benefits of the Keto Diet

The keto diet has helped numerous people lose weight [4], but that isn't the only perk of adopting a ketogenic lifestyle. Here are some other benefits of the low-carb, high-fat diet.

The Cons of the Keto Diet

While the keto diet is great, you may experience a few of these unpleasant side effects.

Your Macro Breakdown

On the keto diet, the macronutrient profile should be close to 70-80 percent fat, 15-20 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbs, according to Catherine Metzgar, PhD, RD, and a clinical team member at Virta Health [10].

The Best Fats and Oils on the Keto Diet

When it comes to the fat on the keto diet [11] you want to make sure that you're eating quality fats. Anna Barnwell, MPH, MSW, a member of the Virta Health team explained in a blog post that a majority of your dietary fat should come from monounsaturated and saturated fats. You should be cautious of polyunsaturated fats like corn, sunflower, and peanut oils since your body cannot tolerate them well in large amounts.

Monounsaturated Fats

Saturated Fats

Polyunsaturated Fats

Proteins You Can Have on the Keto Diet

A common misconception about the keto diet is that you can consume all the protein you want. Eating too much protein can prevent you from reaching nutritional ketosis [12]. Here are the protein sources you can consume on the keto diet.

Vegetables You Can Have on the Keto Diet

In order to reach nutritional ketosis [13], you'll need to eat more than just protein and fats. Here are some great veggie options to include in your diet.

Fruits You Can Have on the Keto Diet

Some fruits are high in sugar, but there's no need to cut out all fruits on the keto diet. You've just got to make sure you're eating the right fruits. Stock up on these fruits during your next grocery store run.

Although these fruits are keto-approved, it's important you track your total carbs [14] to make sure you're in a state of ketosis.

The Dairy You Can Have on Keto

Unlike most diets, dairy is actually approved on the keto diet. Here are some items to toss in your cart the next time you're shopping.

The Snacks You Can Have on the Keto Diet

If you're feeling sluggish on the keto diet, grab one of the following snack options.

Keto-Approved Drinks

You won't be able to drink concentrated sugary drinks on the keto diet. Here are sugar-free drink options to get you started.

Expert Tips

If you want to successfully follow the keto diet, experts say to do the following.

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