A 30-Minute, Calorie-Burning, Beginner Strength-Training Workout

20/06/2018 - 04:50 PM

Ready to get your strength training on but not completely sure where to begin? We totally get that, and we've got your back. If you're just starting to get into a workout routine, this 30-minute workout [1] is a great place to start. You'll be working your arms, legs, and core in this strengthening workout created by RIPPED Fit [2] founder Brian Ripka.

This workout does include some ploymetric exercises [3]. If the impact is too much, feel free to modify or skip them. "Plyometrics are so efficient in burning calories, incinerating fat, and turning fat into lean muscle," Brian said. A lot of the movements are compound exercises, which means you'll be working multiple muscle groups at the same time, which will also help build muscle. Brian's advice: "Slow and controlled, one rep at a time."


Be sure to warm up before you get started, and don't forget to stretch after!

Circuit 1, Exercise 1: Mountain Climbers

Circuit 1, Exercise 2: Alternating Reverse Lunge

Circuit 1, Exercise 3: Elbow Plank

Circuit 1, Exercise 4: Side Elbow Plank

Circuit 1, Exercise 5: Overhead Triceps Extensions

Circuit 1, Exercise 6: Sumo Squat Jump

Circuit 1, Exercise 7: Sumo Squat

Circuit 1, Exercise 8: High Knees

Complete three rounds of circuit one. After your third round take two to three minutes of rest, and then begin the first round of circuit two.

Circuit 2, Exercise 1: Up-Down Plank

Circuit 2, Exercise 2: Bicep Curl and Overhead Press

Circuit 2, Exercise 3: Elbow Plank With Reach

Circuit 2, Exercise 4: Alternating Side Lunge

Circuit 2, Exercise 6: Basic Burpee

Complete three rounds of circuit two, and then foam roll.

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