22 Best Ab-Strengthening Exercises Using Weights

08/04/2022 - 04:30 PM

According to celeb trainer Gunnar Peterson, the secret to awesome abs is "working consistently [1], working in different planes of motion, and adding weights to your abdominal work." Which is good info to know, because there are a lot of benefits to strengthening your abs. Yes, there are the aesthetic considerations, but a stronger core [2] will also help you feel stronger during other workouts and help prevent injury. There's no downside to working your core and, like Peterson said, weighted exercises are a great way to do it if you already have a solid foundation. (If you're a true beginner, try starting with bodyweight ab moves [3], or just doing the following moves without a weight.)

For the weighted ab exercises ahead, all you need are a set of dumbbells, a medicine ball, or a couple of handy weight substitutes [4] like water bottles or cans of food. To get the most bang for your buck when doing these exercises, choose a weight that feels challenging by the last few reps. These will likely feel much harder than bodyweight ab exercises, so know that it's totally normal to feel your muscles shivering and shaking. That's how you know the exercises are working!

To target all areas of your core, incorporate a variety of these moves into your next strength-training workout. Grab your weights and reading to see the 19 moves!

Plank With a Dumbbell Pull-Through

This move challenges your stability as you simultaneously balance your weight on one arm and pull a dumbbell from one side of your body to the other side.

Wall Ball Sit-Ups

This challenging ab exercise makes regular sit-ups even harder! Start off with a four-kilogram soft medicine ball, and work your way up as you get stronger.

Renegade Row

This exercise engages your core while strengthening your upper body.

Plank and Rotate

Twisting in a plank position fires up the core and challenges your stability.

Low to High Woodchop

This dynamic exercise works the obliques and upper abs while keeping your heart rate up. Although this is a full-body move, it doesn't require a lot of space, so you can do it almost anywhere. Use a five- to 5-kilogram dumbbell or a medicine ball.

Standing Weighted Twist

Some call this move the flashlight, and we love it for the intense focus on the abs. Straighten your arms to increase the difficulty. Once you master the move, try speeding up.

Seated Russian Twist

This classic move targets your obliques, and adding a dumbbell or medicine ball increases the challenge.

Overhead Circle

As you stabilise your core while circling the medicine ball, dumbbell, or kettlebell above your head, your abs will feel the burn. Your arms will feel it, too!

Leaning Camel

In yoga, Camel Pose increases the flexibility in your spine, but this challenging variation using a weight strengthens your abs. Besides working the entire abdominal wall, this move gives the quads an active stretch to boot!

Double Crunch Pulse With Medicine Ball

The slow and controlled pulse of this exercise keeps the abs engaged, and adding the weight of a medicine ball or dumbbell kicks your abs into high gear and increases the burn. Choose a weight between five and four kilograms.

Dumbbell Crossover Punch

Adding weights to the classic sit-up brings a whole new level of strengthening to your workout.

Medicine Ball Slam

This cardio move not only works your core, but also helps you burn off steam!

Rotational Ball Slam With a Lunge

Try this variation on the ball slam.

Overhead Reach With Leg Lower

This move challenges both the lower and upper abs to maintain torso stability while your arms and legs move away from your centre.

Coordination Fly

The secret sauce in this exercise is using your abs to control your movement on the way down. Uncurl slowly instead of just letting gravity pull you down.

High to Low Woodchop

We love the woodchop since it works your upper and lower abs while standing.

Reverse Lunge With Twist

This lunge variation works the entire body, and adding the twist ensures that your abs get a little extra attention.

V-Sit With Single-Arm Chest Fly

In this variation, the abs work extra hard to maintain stability as you pull the dumbbell away from your centre.

Standing Side Bend

The standing side bend works your obliques, and simultaneously stretches one side of your torso while working the other.

Lying Overhead Reach

This move works your abs in a lengthened position. You may be lying on the ground, but this move is still challenging!

Side Bends

This move doesn't look that challenging, but you'll really feel it in your obliques.

High Knees

This cardio move targets the core.

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