These 26 Effective Bodyweight Moves Will Strengthen, Sculpt, and Lift Your Booty

04/10/2018 - 11:12 PM

There's no need to squat heavy in order to shape and tone your butt. If you do these bodyweight moves, your bum will be so sore the next day, and that lets you know these moves are effective. Mix and match four to eight moves to create your own bodyweight butt workout [1].

Air Squat

Around-the-World Squat Hop

180 Jump Squat


Sumo Squat Jump

Squat Jack

Pulsing Sumo Squat

Gate Swings


Good Morning

Squat Thrust

Standing Booty Kicks

Leg Balance Warrior 3

Single-Leg Squat

Single-Leg Toe Touch

Alternating Forward Lunge

Lunge Jumps

Forward Backward Lunge

Skip Lunges

Curtsy Lunge

Side Skaters

Single-Leg Bridge

Glute Bridge March

Superman Lift

Fire Hydrant Exercise

Elbow Plank Donkey Kick

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