The 15 Best Exercises to Burn Fat and Tone Your Whole Body

16/06/2018 - 05:40 PM

There isn't one best way to lose fat [1], but we do know that lifting heavy weights [2] and doing compound exercises (where multiple muscle groups are working at once) are great ways to burn fat and build muscle. If your goal is to lean out and get rid of stubborn fat, implement these 15 exercises into your strength sessions. Remember: exercise alone won't cut it. Be sure to eat clean, challenge yourself in your workouts, and be consistent.

Basic Burpee

If this move is too difficult or too much impact, try this modification [4].

Squat, Curl, and Press

Triceps Dips

Squat Jump

If this move is too much impact, do air squats [5].

Plank Row

Split Lunge Jumps

If this bothers your knees, modify with forward backward lunges [6].

Bent-Over Row

Squat to Overhead Press

High Knees

Forward Backward Lunge

Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell Lunges With Biceps Curl

Single-Leg Deadlift With Row

Dumbbell Squat

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