So, Keto Bagels Are a Thing, and There Goes My Sunday Morning

05/08/2019 - 08:01 PM

For us, weekend mornings mean sleeping in, chilling out in pyjamas for as long as possible, and having a big brunch. Specifically, when we have bagels, the day just starts off on the right foot. But, if you're sticking to a keto diet [1], bagels can be tough because of their high carbohydrate content. Well, not anymore. We found eight bagels that all have less than 10 grams of net carbs per serving [2], and they're all available on Amazon!

Whether you love an everything bagel or prefer ones with sesame seeds, there's a yummy option for you. Me personally, I alternate between two types. If I want savoury, I go for an everything bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, tomatoes, and capers. And, if I'm feeling sweet, I go for a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese and raspberries. It's kind of dreamy, and making me crave a bagel right about now. So, get shopping, before I beat you to it!

Great Low Carb Bread Co. Everything Bagels

Weekend mornings were made for these Great Low Carb Bread Co. Everything Bagels [4] ($19).

Great Low Carb Sesame Bagels

There is a specific kind of person who loves a sesame bagel more than anything. If you identify, grab these Great Low Carb Sesame Bagels [5] ($22 for 2 bags).

Great Low Carb Bread Company Cinnamon Bagels

These are controversial, but I'm a big fan of cinnamon raisin bagels. I love a sweet treat in the morning, and these Great Low Carb Bread Company Cinnamon Bagels [6] ($19) are great for a keto diet.

Low Carb Everything Bagels

With only two grams of net carbs, you can't go wrong with these Low Carb Everything Bagels [7] ($32 for 12).

ThinSlim Foods Love-The-Taste Low Carb Bagels

These ThinSlim Foods Love-The-Taste Low Carb Bagels [8] ($16 for two packs) are proof that plain doesn't have to mean bland. They're the ideal vehicle for toppings!

ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Everything Bagels

Welcome Sunday morning with these ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Everything Bagels [9] ($13).

ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Cinnamon Bagels

We love sweet cinnamon bagels, so these ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Cinnamon Bagels [10] ($13) are a real treat.

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