If You Want to Have the Best Night of Sleep When Travelling, Pack This 1 Thing

24/06/2019 - 01:20 PM

Call me high-maintenance, but if sleep conditions are not absolutely perfect, I won't get my zzz's, which will result in my being a cranky mess for the entire day afterward. Noise and light are way too distracting, which is why I use a Sleep Crown over the head pillow [1] at home . . . every. single. night. My husband does, too! It helps me get the best sleep every night [2]. My dreams came true because they now offer a Sleep Crown Traveller [3] ($128)!

Before you scoff at the hefty price tag, think about how much a good night of sleep [4] is worth to you, especially when you're on a trip. You pay big money for airfare, hotels, car rentals, and other travel expenses, and it would be a shame for you to have a terrible night of sleep and not be able to enjoy your trip. This pillow may be expensive, but it's so worth it! Here's why.

It's Perfect For All Types of Travel

Yep, that's a picture of me, snoozing in the car (thanks to my kid for snapping that priceless shot, which got a LOT of laughs for the entire trip!). I don't care that I look goofy. In a car, on a plane [5], in an airport, on a train, or in a hotel — I'm sleeping, and that's all that counts. This is definitely one item I will not forget to pack!

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