This Is the Most Effective Way to Slim and Tone Your Thighs, According to a Trainer

28/02/2019 - 01:07 AM

Whether you're in decent shape, or you're just getting started working out [1], there's always that one trouble spot you wish was just a little firmer [2], be it your arms, your stomach [3], or your thighs. As frustrating as it can be, making progress in those areas starts with transforming your entire body.

"The unfortunate part of weight loss is that you really cannot spot-reduce fatty areas [4]," Molly Canu, an NASM-certified personal trainer at The Fit Inn [5] in New York City, told POPSUGAR. "You can, however, build muscle [6] where you want, and sometimes that can be the solution to how you feel about a certain area of your body. I often try to encourage my clients to set strength goals that correlate to the areas they are trying to tighten up."

In other words, while you're working to reduce fat with a healthy diet and a mix of cardio and strength training [7], you can target specific muscles that will ultimately help give you the look you want. Here are five exercises Molly recommends to build up the thighs.


"Deadlifts are a killer workout for your posterior chain, which includes your back, your booty [8], and your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thighs)," Molly told POPSUGAR. "I love to teach my clients deadlifts; not only do they firm up the backside of your body, but they use large muscle groups that will help you torch calories during and after your workout."

Goblet Squat

"I am particularly fond of goblet squats because they hit a bunch of lower body muscles at once and that wide stance targets your adductors, the muscles in your inner thigh," Molly said. "The chest-level weight also encourages you to fire the muscles in your back, helping with poor posture."

Weighted Reverse Lunge

"With reverse lunges, I prefer to do one leg at a time as opposed to alternating if you are looking to build muscle [9]," Molly said. "Your quads will be working on the controlled step down, and your glutes and hamstring kick in to stand back up."


The curtsy lunge targets that 'side butt' area of your glutes, and the side lunge kicks in the adductors (the inner thigh), and all the while you still have your quads firing," Molly said. "Use a kettlebell or dumbbell to keep the reps lower. If the weight feels too easy [10], you'll need to do a ton of reps and that can become tedious."

Sled Pushing

Sled pushing is another effective way to work those major muscle groups. "Sled pushes come from the lower body," Molly said. "You should take large steps, stay low, and really use the legs to push the weight." Try this full-body sled workout [11], or if you don't have a traditional sled, Molly suggests placing a dumbbell or two on a towel and pushing the weight across a wooden floor for about 45 seconds.

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