If You Sit All Day, Unwind Every Tight Muscle With These 12 Expert-Recommended Yoga Poses

26/07/2019 - 07:10 PM

Sitting all day does a number on your body. Your hips are tensed and flexed [1], your back is knotted [2], your lower body sore and numb. The best thing that I've found to relieve all the tightness and soreness (because standing desks can only do so much) is yoga. Melting into a relaxing sequence [3] at the end of the day renews and rejuvenates my whole body. My workouts feel better. Going to work feels better. A little bit of yoga completely refreshes my muscles and my mindset.

If you're hunched over a computer or a phone all day or stuck shifting around at an uncomfortable desk, these next 12 poses are for you. They're hand selected by six different yoga teachers as the best possible stretches to relieve the pain and soreness of a sedentary job. Feel free to do each pose one by one or as a sequence, moving slowly and mindfully and modifying as needed. Breathe into the tightness, be patient with your body, and feel your muscles unknot, one by one by one.

Standing Forward Fold

Standing Forward Fold "directly stretches the muscles that are compressed while you're seated all day," said Jade Alexis, Aaptiv yoga instructor. This simple, gentle stretch targets your hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves, and sends fresh blood flow to your brain.

If you're at work, you can also do a Seated Forward Fold variation, said Liza Janda, a certified yoga instructor at Yoga Janda [5]. She recommended dropping into this stretch whenever you're feeling stressed, tired, or achy in your lower back.

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog stretches and strengthens your entire body, Jade told POPSUGAR, and especially everything that's sore and tight from sitting all day: your hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and back.

Cat-Cow Pose

Ava Johanna [6], a Los Angeles-based yoga and meditation instructor and host of The Alchemized Life [7] podcast, recommended the classic Cat-Cow pose as a way to open your chest and shoulders and mobilize your spine. "It helps with posture and relaxing the shoulders to counteract slouching from being on our phones or computers all day," she told POPSUGAR.


Tight hips are a common affliction for those of us who sit for a good part of the day. Pigeon pose counteracts the pain from rounding your back in a chair and releases tension, both mentally and physically. "People tend to hold a lot of stress and emotions in the hip area," Liza explained. Pigeon pose can release feelings of stress and tension and help you relax after a long day. Liza recommended warming up with a quick five-minute walk before getting into the stretch.

If you're at work, try a Standing Pigeon variation [8].

Figure Four

A Figure Four stretch is amazing for opening up the outsides of your hips and stretching your lower back, Ava told POPSUGAR. Melting into this pose will help alleviate any back pain you have from sitting all day. It can be done lying down as pictured or seated at your desk.

To do this stretch at your desk, bring your ankle to your opposite thigh while seated. Fold forward to increase the stretch.

Bridge Pose

Bridge pose opens up your chest and shoulders while releasing your hip flexors, which can help relieve back pain, explained Abby Vernon, E-RYT 500-certified yoga instructor and lead of teacher development for YogaSix [9]. Sitting for long periods of time causes your spine to curve and hunch, she told POPSUGAR. "Bridge counteracts that by helping to build muscular strength and stability in the upper back muscles."

Legs Up the Wall

This resting pose is a favourite of yoga instructor Sienna Creasy [10], area spa director for Hilton Rose Hall [11] and Jewel Resorts [12]. It refreshes your circulation while gently stretching out your hamstrings. For an added bonus, she recommended bringing the bottoms of your feet together and opening up your knees like in a Butterfly pose, which will stretch out your groin, thighs, and hips.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

This hip-opening stretch also releases the muscles in your legs, which become tense after sitting all day, Sienna said. It can help soothe lower back pain and tension headaches as well, she told POPSUGAR.

Standing Side Bend

"This pose lengthens the entire length of your body from toe tips to fingertips," said Heather Larivee, a Kripalu-certified yoga teacher and CEO of wellness and management consulting company Sparkflo [13]. She described it as "a wonderful counter-pose to sitting," stretching out all the muscles in your legs, sides, and arms.

You can do this stretch at your desk by sitting up tall and bending to either side, focusing on the upper body stretch.

Standing Chest Opener

Hunching at a desk leaves your chest, arms, and shoulders tight and crunched. Heather recommended this simple chest opener to relieve that pain. It's a "baby back bend," she said, "a nice way to create spaciousness in the body."

If you experience any pain or discomfort in your shoulders, neck, or back, ease out of the pose.

Chair Pose

The aptly-named Chair pose "mimics a seated position," Jade told POPSUGAR, "while forcing better posture and toning the muscles that should be used while actually seated upright." Bonus: it can also aid your digestion, Jade said.

Supported Fish Pose

Supported Fish pose is a great way to end your yoga sequence. Liza recommended it as a way to correct your posture and counteract neck soreness from bending over a phone or computer. "My students love this restorative pose," she told POPSUGAR. "It really opens the chest and shoulders and is so relaxing — a real tension reliever."

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